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Asen Alexandrov

Asen Alexandrov was marked by a sign of fate already at his birth. He appeared in the white world right across from the school in Godech. In his grandfather's house, whom he surprised on his 50th anniversary - October 6, 1958. A real "Libra".
He graduated from the Mathematics High School in Sofia and mathematics from the University of Plovdiv. He later specialized in informatics. He started as a teacher in a primary school in the Nadezhda quarter of the capital. And remains forever associated with education. In 1987, he was the head of one of the first computer labs in our school. After winning a competition, from 1992 to 1998 he was the director of 15 "Adam Mickiewicz" secondary schools. A new competition sends him for 3 years as a mathematics and informatics teacher at the Bulgarian school in Bratislava. He returned home in 2002 and became the deputy director of the elite 133 school "A.S. Pushkin", better known as the Russian High School. He leaves the prestigious post to become the director of the 51st "Elisaveta Bagryana" school. He leaves as an acting but is still there today. He thinks he has found the place where he can realize his ideas.

"I didn't think of becoming a teacher. Informatics was my passion. I wanted to work as a programmer. But at the time such specialists were rarely sought after. I started as a teacher and I liked it. Teaching is not something you learn. You have to have it in you si. A director sounds very power-hungry. But it's not exactly like that. In both cases, contact with people comes first," Asen Alexandrov briefly reveals the history of the "51st School" era. And the whole story is actually long and very, very interesting.
He is surprised by the attention of "Standard". He is pleased when he realizes that it is provoked by the external marks of the new. The people of the "Hippodrome" were already used to the school being a broken-down yard. In front of the forgotten back entrance was the neighborhood dump. But

something happened recently

A green, brightly colored stable fence, the backyard turned from a garbage can into a small park with fresh grass, flowers, whitewashed trees, benches. Some of the drawing and music classes are even held there. A field for mini-football has also been cleared. Very soon, the little ones will be playing there.
The first thing a visitor sees upon crossing the entrance is the information board with the dominant message: "If your child studies in 51 secondary schools and you want to know what grades he received or the number of excused and unexcused absences, it is enough to call from your home phone at 950-65-60 or 950-65-61. You can receive messages on your personal e-mail, as well as on the mobile phone number you provided, but first activate the free E-mail to SMS service."
Well, this already betrays the technocrat with whom a meeting awaits us. But in the corner of his office we see a guitar that seems to say, "No, broad-minded man."
- The Beatles?
- Yes, but  and "Purple"...We like to sing with friends. My wife Maria was a chorister in "Bodra Smyana" for 10 years.
We return to the topic that brought us together. He still gets excited when he talks about the start. "I started with what I understand the most - computers. I just welded a few old ones. Now we have 3 computer rooms in perfect condition. In total there are more than 40 computers in more than 10 rooms and they are connected to the Internet."
The director

he personally takes up the training in informatics

of the staff - accounting, secretary, housekeeper, etc. "I invested time in their preparation, but now everything is returned a hundredfold. I have understood that many problems arise from poor communication", shares Mr. Alexandrov's belief. He suggests that we also try out the automatic telephone switchboard through which parents are informed about their children's grades and absences. Everything works flawlessly, you hear a pleasant female voice ready with the answer, as if it is the M-Tel customer service center across the street.
Asen Alexandrov was quite worried at first that he would not be accused of being a technocrat. Whether for this, or because he carries it deep within himself, he has  put a lot of passion into creating coziness.
"It can be done with less money," says the principal, pointing to the flowers under every window and, above all, the paintings of the students who have turned the long corridors into galleries.
"Elisaveta Bagryana" school is profiled for fine arts. We did not ask where the talented children had drawn before. We saw what they have now - 4 spacious studios in the basement. It's another world. The noise from the upper floors is gone, it feels like beauty is being created here.
"I am grateful to the Krasno Selo municipality. They helped me even when they hardly knew me. Ideas are ideas, but money is money. Parents also help. We have announced on the school's website that we are open for donations," the director announces .


28 "Sofiyski Heroi" St., residential building, 1612 Hippodrome, Sofia

02/9521309 - Director


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