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Internal rules for receiving scholarships for the students of 51. SU "Esiveta Bagryana"

Internal rules for receiving scholarships for the students of 51. SU

General Provisions

Article 1. These internal regulations establish the procedures, conditions, and financial parameters for awarding scholarships at 51 Secondary School "Elisaveta Bagryana" in accordance with the existing legal framework, as outlined in Decree 33 of February 15, 2013, by the Council of Ministers.

Article 2. The rules regulate the following:

  1. Types and amounts of scholarships awarded.

  2. Conditions, procedures, and methods for awarding scholarships.

  3. Criteria and conditions for student ranking.

  4. Deadlines and required documents.

Article 3. Scholarships for students are financed by targeted funds from the state budget, which are allocated annually by the State Budget Act of the Republic of Bulgaria for the respective year.

Article 4. The objectives of these rules are:

  1. Ensuring objectivity and fairness in awarding scholarships.

  2. Motivating students to achieve high results in academic, extracurricular, and out-of-school activities.

  3. Preventing discrimination and unequal treatment of students in the ranking and awarding of scholarships.

Types and Amounts of Scholarships

Article 5. Scholarships for students can be either monthly or one-time payments:

  • Monthly Scholarships: a. For academic achievements. b. To support access to education and prevent school dropout. c. For students with permanent disabilities. d. For students without parents.

  • One-Time Scholarships: a. To help students overcome one-time social circumstances affecting their access to education. b. For achieving high results in academic, extracurricular, or out-of-school activities.

Article 6. The funds for one-time scholarships are set at 5% of the total funds allocated for scholarships in the school budget.

Article 7. The amount of monthly scholarships is determined as follows:

  • For newly admitted 8th-grade students (first term) with a GPA of 5.80 – 6.00: 35 BGN per month.

  • For students from 8th (second term) to 12th grade with a GPA of 5.50 – 6.00: 35 BGN per month.

  • For students without parents or with permanent disabilities: 35 BGN per month.

  • To support access to education and prevent dropout: 21 BGN per month.

Article 8. The maximum amount for one-time scholarships is 150 BGN for overcoming social circumstances and 100 BGN for high achievements.

Article 9. If there is a shortage of funds, the amount of all scholarships is proportionally reduced according to the percentage of the overall deficit.

Procedures and Conditions for Receiving Scholarships

Article 10. Scholarships are awarded to students in daily and individual forms of education after completing primary education, including:

  • Students in state and municipal schools who are Bulgarian citizens, citizens of EU member states, or citizens of countries part of the European Economic Area Agreement or the Swiss Confederation.

  • Foreign students in state and municipal schools with permanent residence in the country or admitted based on an international treaty or an act of the Council of Ministers.

Article 11. Students are not eligible for scholarships if they:

  • Interrupt their education or repeat a school year, except for repeating due to illness.

  • Have been penalized with a "Reprimand" by the Pedagogical Council until the penalty is lifted.

  • Have more than five unexcused absences per term.

  • Have more than 100 excused absences per term.

Article 12. Scholarships for academic achievements, support for access to education, and dropout prevention are awarded from the beginning of each academic year and/or the second term and are paid monthly during the school months.

Article 13. Scholarships for students with permanent disabilities and students without parents are awarded from the beginning of the month following the month in which the basis for the scholarship arose and are paid year-round.

Article 14. Scholarships for academic achievements, support for access to education, and dropout prevention are awarded after student ranking.

Article 15. Scholarships for students with permanent disabilities, students without parents, and one-time scholarships are awarded without ranking.

Article 16. One-time scholarships are awarded based on a proposal from the class teacher or another teacher, submission of the necessary documents, and a motivated proposal from the commission to the school principal.

Article 17. Up to 50% of the funds for scholarships for academic achievements are awarded as one-time scholarships to students for overcoming social circumstances related to access to education and are provided to cover specific educational expenses.

Article 18. Scholarships for academic achievements are awarded to students with a GPA of 5.50 or higher and no more than five unexcused absences.

Article 19. One-time scholarships for overcoming social circumstances are awarded to students in case of the death of a parent/guardian, accident, serious illness in the family, etc. High-achievement scholarships are awarded to students who have been ranked in national and international competitions with a GPA of 6.00 and no unexcused absences.

Article 20. The ranking for monthly scholarships for academic achievements is based on a score calculated as follows: (2 x average GPA) - (number of unexcused absences) = total score.

Procedures, Deadlines, and Documents

Article 21. A commission is formed by the school principal to implement these rules. The composition and duties of the commission are determined annually by order and include class teachers from 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

Article 22. The commission's responsibilities include:

  • Admitting students to the ranking, conducting the ranking, and proposing to the principal the students who will receive monthly scholarships.

  • Reviewing documents for one-time scholarships and proposing the respective recipients.

  • Proposing students eligible for scholarships based on the ranking and the approved funds.

Article 23. Class teachers provide a list of students who meet the conditions and certify the accuracy of the information with their signature.

Article 24. Students apply for scholarships by submitting a declaration form within the specified period.

Article 25. One-time scholarships can be awarded only once per term to the same student. A student receiving a monthly scholarship can also receive a one-time scholarship.

Article 26. The ranking for monthly scholarships is announced on the school notice board and published on the school's website by October 22, 2023.

Article 27. Scholarships are awarded by the school principal based on the commission's motivated proposal.

Article 28. Scholarships that are not used for their intended purpose or if no expense justification document is presented, must be returned to the school.

Additional Provisions

§1. The family's income includes all income received according to Article 10, Paragraph 1, items 1-4 and 6 of the Income Tax Act; pensions without the foreign aid supplements for individuals with permanently reduced working capacity; monthly allowances and supplements under the Family Benefits for Children Act; monthly allowances under the Social Assistance Act; benefits and allowances under the Social Insurance Code, excluding one-time benefits; awarded alimony and scholarships.

§2. The income declaration must be signed by the parent (guardian) and the necessary documents attached.

§3. If documents are incomplete, the commission notifies the applicant, who must rectify the deficiencies within three working days. Failure to comply with the commission's recommendations will result in the documents not being reviewed.

§4. In cases of scholarships awarded based on false declarations, the student will be deprived of the scholarship for one calendar year, and the amounts received must be returned to the school by the parent or the student if they are of legal age.

§5. The school administration must inform the teaching staff and high school students of these rules and any amendments within three working days of their adoption by the Pedagogical Council.

Final Provisions

§6. These internal scholarship rules are adopted in connection with Decree №33 of February 15, 2013, and updated for the academic year 2023/2024, approved by Order RD01 - 1695/14.09.2023 by the Principal of 51. Secondary School "Elisaveta Bagryana".

§7. The control over the implementation of these rules is assigned to the Deputy Principal for administrative and economic activities.

§8. For matters not covered by these rules, the provisions of the existing legal framework shall apply.

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